Unique sealant saves client $ 10 million.
Our valued client, ADNOC, successfully saved USD 10 million by using our specialised IG-FP product to repair damage to its downhole safety valve (DHSV).
The diversified energy group operates a network of integrated businesses across the energy value chain, helping to meet the demands of the evolving energy market. A key focus for the company is to continuously look at new ways to make operations more sustainable, whilst investing in new opportunities for clean energies.
Optimising operations and costs through our advanced technology
Through using our game-changing, unique solution, the client was able to sustain the well production of 2,500 bbl/day, whilst fully complying with HSE regulations. During repair, the well was controlled from the surface whilst the product was deployed. Without this solution, ADNOC estimates it would have lost around USD 10 million due to the well being offline.
“On behalf of the management, I would like to extend our thankfulness and appreciation to all of you for the success milestone of applying the IG-FP technology to the isolation ingress valve.
As we are highly committed to integrity implementation but have a key focus on cost optimisation, we are proud to say that we successfully saves $10M by repairing the well.”
How does our technology work?
Our IG-FP solution is a one-part non-curing sealant product designed to isolate hydraulic control line leaks in a DHSV control line compression fitting, packing stacks and pistons, where hydraulic fluid is leaking out of the system.
Our product is unique as it allows the DHSV to maintain functionality and avoids using pressure-activated sealants.
The sealant is pumped into the control line at the surface and moves along until it reaches the leak path. It then creates an initial block and starts to raise the system pressure. As the product is forced through the leak path, it fills the spaces in and around the leaking compression fitting.
As the pressure is slowly increased, more gel is squeezed into the leak path until it is fully blocked and isolated.